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Why is going to nursery a good choice for my child?

Why is going to nursery a good choice for my child? Valley House Nursery


There are lots of great reasons to get your child into a nursery setting! Children are like little sponges when it comes to new information and a nursery setting provides a wealth of learning opportunities for them.

Nurseries follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). It sets the standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five years old. ( The EYFS follows areas of learning, the areas of learning are:

·         Communication and language

·         Personal, social and emotional development

·         Literacy

·         Mathematics

·         Understanding the world

·         Expressive arts and design

Most of your child’s learning will be through games and play, using the high-quality learning resources available, and the knowledge and skills of our experienced staff.

Children who receive quality early childhood education are reportedly more confident and curious. They learn how to manage challenges and build resilience in times of difficulty; settle more easily at school and acquire a long-term interest in learning different things.

Development of Social Skills in a nursery setting

At Nursery children can socialise with their peers. It provides them with opportunities to share ideas, work collaboratively, form friendships and build confidence and resilience.  At Nursery, the children eat meals together. This allows them to interact socially and learn about other cultures and traditions through food.

Preparation for School

A nursery setting will help your child prepare your child for school. At Valley House Nursery we are dedicated to getting children school ready. At Nursery children will get used to a structured environment, they will learn routine and boundaries that differ from the routine and boundaries at home.








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